The Doctors (in order of seniority)
Dr Richard D Fulbrook, MB, ChB, MRCGP (Sheff 1987) Male. Partner
Dr Katherine J Balch, MB, ChB, MRCGP, DRCOG, Dip.FP (Sheff 1993) Female. Partner
Dr Wajid A Syed, MB, BS (Univ.of Health Science 1995), MRCS (ed) Male. Partner
Dr Chowdary K Poorna Chandra, MB BS, University of Health Sciences (India 1997), MS (Orthopaedics), MRCS (Edinburgh), DRCOG, nMRCGP, DFSRH, MBANVAS. Male. Partner.
Dr Stephen Magadza, MB, ChB (1997 University of Zimbabwe Faculty of Medicine and Health Science). Male. Salaried GP.
Dr Adefolabo Sami, MB, BS (2014 University of Ibadon). Female. Salaried GP.
Dr Leila Fananapazir, MB, ChB (2017 University of Leicester). Female. Salaried GP.
Dr Beata Mirza, Doctor - Medic (2005 University of Oradea). Female. Salaried GP.
Felicity France. Female. Advanced Nurse Practitioner.
Katrina Ferron. Female. Advanced Nurse Practitioner.
Nursing Team
The practice employs three Practice Nurses, three Healthcare Assistants, a Nurse Associate and two Phlebotomist's.
The Practice Nurses provide advice on vaccinations and travel health, dietary advice, chronic disease management including diabetes, asthma/COPD & coronary heart disease. Cervical smears, health promotion checks, weight reduction, smoking cessation clinics, audiology and ear syringing, and wound management/dressings are all within their capability.
The Healthcare Assistants are now able to do basic well person checks, pill checks in addition to their primary role of taking blood samples, performing ECG's, weight checks, blood pressures and urinalysis. They also operate the 24hr BP monitors and teledermatology.
Both the Nurses and Healthcare Assistants operate a variable appointment system with time slots booked according to the procedure to be performed, also different nurses and healthcare assistants have different skill sets. It would help greatly therefore if you are prepared to tell the reception staff when booking your appointment, the reason you require it so that the correct amount of time can be allocated, and that you are also booked in with the correct member of the team to deal with your requirements.
Practice Staff
We employ a Practice Manager, Data Quality Manager, Finance Manager, two Medical Secretaries, a GP Assistant, several admin assistants and a large team of reception staff who are trained to be Care Navigators.
Practice Pharmacist
We employ a Practice Pharmacist who deals with medication queries and changes and completes medication reviews.
District Nurses
Our team of District Nurses support the work of the practice by caring for patients who are housebound and unable to attend the surgery.
A team of Midwives run antenatal services. The regular clinic is at Morthen Road on a Thursday.
Associated Staff
The practice also has an attached dietician. Referral is arranged through discussion with your doctor.
The practice also has access to specialist nursing services such as a Community Matron, specialist heart failure nurses, and the Macmillan nursing service.
We also have shared care workers in house who specialise in helping people with alcohol or drug dependency. Please see your GP if you think you might benefit from a referral to this team.
Additional Roles
(Primary Care Network) PCNs are groups of GP practices working closely together - along with other healthcare staff and organisations - providing integrated services to the local population. Morthen Road Group Practice is part of the Maltby/Wickersley PCN.
We have the following PCN Staff that work at the practice:
PCN Admiral Nurse Dementia Specialist.
PCN Community Psychiatric Nurse (CPN) that can help with mental health problems.
PCN Nurse Associate who works alongside our Nursing team.
PCN Social Prescribing Link Worker who can offer social prescribing and additional support at home for patients who need it.
Three PCN Pharmacists that work with the practice dealing with medication queries and completing medication reviews with patients.
Two PCN Care Coordinator's who help with appointments for our care home patients, learning disability patients and case management patients.